Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm Not Gonna Change

What sticks out most in my mind about the VP debate tonight? Two things:

1) Joe Biden's statement that "I'm Not Gonna Change," coming from the campaign that bases its whole identity on "change" was hilarious. Who says he wasn't funny?


2) Sarah Palin demonstrated awareness of the true role of Vice President, as defined by our nation's founding documents and the founders' intentions. The Vice President is not, under the constitution, just a puppet to the president. She demonstrated an understanding of the history of the Vice Presidency whereas Biden promised nothing but business as usual.

Oh, and I thought of another wonderful cartoon that I cannot wait to draw:

Bin-Biden puts on a pair of NoBama ears and sings "M-I-C---K-E-Y" "O-B-A-M-A"

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