Sunday, October 19, 2008

Values for the Real World

This tidbit is from the Detroit News:

Stories to Remember

The writer, Noah Finley, understands that there has long been a "leadership deficit" in the US, and he did not use the editorial page of his newspaper to endorse any candidate in 2004, stating that "the 32% growth of government in just four years" was disappointing, and instead listing what the ideal qualities of a candidate would have been and that nobody listed on the 2004 ballot had those qualities.

Finley, who began his newspaper carrier as a copyboy while working his way through Wayne State University, has been in the newspaper business for over thirty years and is not a darling of the left. He has stood up for some fine principles and has been called a lot of names for it. I'll add one to the list: Awesome!

Looking Back on 2004

Anybody remember this statement?

"I don't need Mr. Keyes lecturing me on Christianity. That's why I have a pastor." — Barack Obama

Uh, he sure does have a pastor, and what a pastor that one is! Here is my source, and I consider it a "must" read:

Renew America

NoBama has made some verbal mistakes that had either one in the McPalin team uttered, s/he would have been ridiculed into oblivion, but some of them haven't garnered a single comment, and even the slip where he spoke of his own religion as "my Muslim faith" has drawn little attention.

However, BinBiden's confident utterance that J-O-B-S is a THREE-letter word takes the cake.

One thing this election is doing better than any I've seen before is bringing out the worst in poor writers and the best in good ones. Here is another one of the many good ones:

A City book review by Daniel J. Flynn

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm Not Gonna Change

What sticks out most in my mind about the VP debate tonight? Two things:

1) Joe Biden's statement that "I'm Not Gonna Change," coming from the campaign that bases its whole identity on "change" was hilarious. Who says he wasn't funny?


2) Sarah Palin demonstrated awareness of the true role of Vice President, as defined by our nation's founding documents and the founders' intentions. The Vice President is not, under the constitution, just a puppet to the president. She demonstrated an understanding of the history of the Vice Presidency whereas Biden promised nothing but business as usual.

Oh, and I thought of another wonderful cartoon that I cannot wait to draw:

Bin-Biden puts on a pair of NoBama ears and sings "M-I-C---K-E-Y" "O-B-A-M-A"