Sunday, September 28, 2008

Too Disgusting for Words

This is too reviling to publicize, but if one doesn't, then the public will never know what some people consider an appropriate way for a potential First Lady to be depicted. WARNING: Not appropriate for children to view. This is yet another reason why parents need to monitor what their kids are seeing on the internet:

Degenerate Art of Michelle Obama

The author of the Alaska Pride blog where I first saw this atrocity rightly states that "Barack Obama needs to step up to the plate and implicitly disavow this putrid piece of pornography by declaring that it will never have a place in the White House if he becomes President"

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Press Release from the State of Missouri

The governor of Missouri just put this on his website:

New Charges Against Obama

The governor states that Obama has insulted the principals of Thomas Jefferson by "using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights." He implicates a county sheriff and St. Louis city and county attorneys as well and Obama and one of his campaign managers in abuse of the system saying that they are using the law for intimidation in an effort to suppress debate.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Read My Lipstick

That is the motto of a group of Sarah Palin supporters who can be found here:

Read My Lipstick

This is a place where members can share information about the progress of Sarah's campaign and the kinds of things we can do to help her win this important contest.

The above image belongs to Puma PAC where they have some other great merchandise.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Review-Journal Publisher Comes Out Swinging

Sherman Frederick, the publisher of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, hit the nail on the head in today's Commentary by pointing out that John McCain's perceived distance from e-mail resulted from a disability rather than ignorance.

Strike two against the democrats for disrespecting the disabled citizens of this nation, who are under the law supposed to be given respect and opportunity. First NoBama and those who still regard him as the Second Coming are so clueless that they call a man whose experience could easily qualify his as the very definition of "honor" dishonorable and then they laugh and jeer at a physical disability that impairs his typing ability as though he were running for the office of clerk-typist.

Then in the voice of powerful house member Charles Rangel, they call his running mate and mother of the special needs child she recently bore "disabled" for no other reason than that they disagree with her personal views, principally her view that "Choice" doesn't just mean the choice to die, but also means the choice to live. Don't get me wrong; I am Pro-Choice myself, but I disagree with the left-wing zealots's contention that cute little Trig Palin "should have been aborted." Pro-Choice people should recognize that as the family's choice. What next? Define everyone over 50 as disabled and kill them well before they qualify to draw Social Security taxes?

Strike three may well have been BinBiden's usurpation of the Catholic church's prerogative to determine church doctrine. I can see him identifying with St. Thomas Aquinus who tried to prove that women are inferior to men with the ridiculous assertion that the gestation period for girl babies was shorter than for males, thus making women less devoloped. Maybe Rangel was following the same line of thinking when he called the Alaskan Governor "disabled" -- maybe he thinks all women are. What everyone should notice here, though is that the most outspoken democrats are quite clear in their opinion that "disabled" is a pejorative term and that it is OK to use it to ridicule someone who disagrees with party line. Maybe they need to go back to school and write a hundred times on the blackboard: Franklin D. Roosevelt was disabled.

In any regular game of hard ball, after three strikes this party would have been out, we must remember that these are the same folks who ushered in New Math. They probably think they should still be in the game.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wake Up Sheeple

When young nuns are accused of wearing burqas for making the choice to adopt the conservative habit and thus ridiculed on the streets...

When the images of men parading in San Francisco dressed as fat nuns with bright red lipstick are plastered all over the news, thus making mockery of women and free speech in one fell swipe...

When a pretender to the seat of President of the United States publicly and pointedly makes filthy gender specific comments about, well, you all know what he said and who he meant and how offensive the double entendre was supposed to be...

Then it is time for the sheeple to wake up and read the dictionary.

Start by looking the phrase "old fish" up in the Urban Dictionary and see what it means. Then replay the smirk.

Is such a smirk seemly?

Here is some more required reading:

Is it now politically correct when expedient to belittle the handicapped? Wasn't Roosevelt a Democrat?

Does Charles Rangel actually believe that the skit they did on Saturday Night Live was reality televisions. Did he think that was the real Sarh Palin? And they let this guy chair the House Ways and Means Committee? No wonder congress continues to get such a low approval rating, while 80% of the people who elected Palin adore her.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Feed Me This

As soon as I discovered the Draft Sarah Palin site, I signed up for Adam Brickley's feed and it is the first thing I check every day.

It is greatly satisfying to know that hundreds of bloggers were advocating Palin for Vice President before her name became a household word.

Here are a few of them:

Bloggers for Palin

A big thanks to all of the bloggers who are helping to preserve our most precious constitution and telling the world that Sarah Palin is indeed the perfect VP candidate for 2008.

As for who is not a viable candidate for President, check this one out:

Who talks the talk and who walks the walk

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just Who Was This Thomas Paine Guy?

When he said "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil" Paine wasn't exactly talking about Ohio. But what he said is every bit as true today as it was then.

Paine is generally known as The Father of the American Revolution because his pamphlet entitled Common Sense spoke directly to people in language that people could easily understand. He advocated change and stirred public debate on the topic of independence.

He spoke disdainfully of "the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot" saying that 'What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value."

Sunshine Patriot? Hmmmm, does the name Barry Soetero ring a bell?